Repair – ZENAQ | Official-Web - ZENAQ | Official-Web



International Guarantee
Every ZENAQ rod comes with an international guarantee card.
Japanese domestic guarantee card is invalid outside of Japan.
  • An international guarantee card can be used once when a rod is broken for any reason.

  • The guarantee applies only for repairing the exact model of rod specified on the guarantee card.

  • A broken rod is repaired for the guarantee price specified on the guarantee card.

  • The international guarantee for a given product expires after 3 years have passed after that product has been discontinued. However, we can still repair the product after the guarantee expires for the original product price as long as we have repair components.

  • The guarantee price is paid for repairing each piece (rod section). For example, to repair 2 pieces (rod sections) of a rod, the customer must pay twice the guarantee price specified on the guarantee card.

  • After the first breakage has been repaired as per the terms of the guarantee, any subsequent repairs can be repaired for the original part price.

  • Repair requests must be made through the shop through which you purchased your ZENAQ product.

  • ZENAQ requires both the broken rod and its matching guarantee card, signed by the dealer and retail shop, to initiate the guaranteed repair process. Please bring the card and the rod to the shop from which you purchased your ZENAQ product in order to ship the card and rod to our head office in Japan. The guarantee price and shipping cost will then be charged to the customer.